See first light pictures of the Moon taken 06Nov08 (click here)
Gain, Gamma and Shutter are easily controlled from a PC in real-time via the vendor-supplied software which is intuitive and reliable. Uncompressed images are downloaded to the PC via the USB 2.0 cable and display on the screen immediately. The result is real-time video - at high frame-rates (eg. 1/30s or faster) even when recording uncompressed video (.AVI file) onto disk **(this depends on your laptop's grunt). The camera is surprisingly small and light-weight. RGB filters are required for tri-color imaging. The camera does not incorporate an in-built infrared filter. Long-exposure photography is possible (of nebulae or galaxies for example) with good results. There is no noticeable amp glow when the camera is used for long-exposures. The vendor has told me that it is not possible to damage the CCD by setting exposures too high on bright sources.
Updated - November 2008 B.C. |
Email me: bill *at* zodiaclight: com All images and content of this website are copyright (c)2005-2008 Bill Christie. All rights reserved. |